Alexandre Klein

J'ai refait tous les calculs... Notre idée est irréalisable. Il ne nous reste qu'une seule chose à faire: la réaliser!
   - Pierre-Georges Latécoère

Widget Data Switcher

Widget Data Switcher is an Android widget to easily switch the connection type. No need to go to the settings. It only takes one case on your home screen and you can select among several themes.

I created this widget because I could not find something similar on the Play store. What I could find was widget to turn on or off the data connection, but nothing that switch from Wifi to data. Because I want to save battery, I often turn off the connection, and at home I’m using Wifi and outside I’m using 4G. Now I can quickly switch the connection type. If other people found this widget useful, I would be very happy!

Unfortunately due to a change in the source code of Android 5.0, it is not possible to turn on/off data connection.

  • One touch: directly on the home screen, it is easy to switch connection between Wifi, data and no connection.
  • Choice of themes: many themes are available, so you can select the one you like the best.
  • Free: Completely free, no ads, no strange permission.

Designed by NAOMI